Our partners are so important and we accomplish a lot together.
We are always looking for leaders to join our Standing and Special Committees:
Standing Committees
Precinct Committee: All Democrats elected to the office of precinct committeeperson are members of the Committee and are eligible to vote on any action of the Reno County Democratic Central Committee. As a precinct committee person, you have important responsibilities and hold a pivotal role in the organization of our party. You are grassroots! Each is an elected official with great responsibility within the party for providing leadership in his/her precinct and for decision-making within the Committee.
Constitution and Bylaws: Monitor the effectiveness of the Committee bylaws and propose changes as necessary.
Budget and Finance: Assist the Treasurer in preparing an annual budget for approval of the Committee.
Legislative: Monitor activities of county, state and national legislatures and legislators. Report upcoming legislative actions to the Committee.
Communications/publicity: To create content for social media and website promoting Democrat values, support of issues, be inclusive of the wide range of Democrats’ positions, support local Democrat positions, be a voice to the community of our values, monitor (and take action if necessary) of any communication on RCDCC social media sites and website.
Membership Recruitment/Greeter: Assist in seeking qualified candidates for positions of precinct committeeperson. Develop methods by which registration of Democrats may be increased in the county. Assist in increasing membership to RNDC and serve as a greeter for new members or guests.
Special Committees:
Special Events/Programming: Assist in developing fundraising events, arrange for and invite guest speakers, etc.
Fundraising – (Major Gifts, Solicitation, Prospects): Organize fundraising to promote the party and its candidates. This may include selling tickets for party functions, obtaining donations, etc.
Become a Partner - volunteer
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our volunteers will get back to you.